Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Hope & Change? Whoops that didn't Work - Let's Try FAITH & RESTORATION

Forced Adoption and Support of those making less than 100,000 per year by the Ones that Are Willing to Work for A Living

I Call this 
"Adoption Thru Taxation"

I'm writing this blog because I think enough is enough!

I'm so tired of our elected leaders denouncing the heritage of the United States of America.
The time is NOW to begin to realize that the United States was founded as a Christian Nation and should continue to be a Christian Nation..Yes, people of other faiths are certainly welcome to live among us, but not as adversaries attempting at every turn to overthrow what was put in place by our Founding Fathers. If they don't share our values and our basic belief that Jesus Christ is King, then they should remain in their own element.
Christians of America please stop being passive and tolerant of people that are attempting to remove the very corner stones of our society.

Elections of great impact are about to occur.

We as Americans should be proud of our heritage and belief in God and His Creation.
No Leader of our Nation should ever apologize for this.

Yes, as a nation we have accomplished a lot and have prospered under the Blessings of God
At the same time we have educated the world and provided help and assistance for the world in greater abundance than any other nation on the face of the Earth from the beginning of history until the present. 

There is an 80 / 20 rule that applies to almost everything in life. In this case 80% of America professes that they are Christian - 20% profess that they are atheist, agnostics or of another religion altogether.
This is a crossroads in our history that will decide if we as a nation will vote with the 80% or the 20%.

I think we have seen over the past 2-1/2 years how bad things will be if we continue to vote for leaders that are committed to taking us on a different path than our forefather's envisioned for our nation.

I urge you to return to your Christian roots and begin to organize into small groups. Work to vet politicians and truly discover what they believe and what they intend to accomplish when in public office. Work to fund raise for the candidates that pass the litmus test. Work to turn out the vote to ensure that they are elected to office, and finally vote and take an active roll in ensuring that they live up to their promises.

Now is the time folks,

The crossroads for America is Now!

This is one man's opinion, I welcome your comments.
Tony Whyte
Victoria House Company
Manufacturer and Distributor of Southern Crossing Gates / GateBuilder Gate Frames

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