Sunday, March 11, 2012

Save a Bucket of Money
Build Your Own Gate - We Help You all the Way!

GateBuilder Clients have Commented:
"GateBuilder builds an impressive gate frame and believe it or not, it comes in a kit"

"The GateBuilder frame is better than the custom frames I have had built and it's a. kit!"

"I don't know how GateBuilder can produce such a quality product a such a reasonable cost"
"all I can say is: "Wow!  There's a lot of hardware here for the money!"
“The modular gate is great. The most difficult part of the process was bringing it in after delivery. After assembling the gate, the company putting up my fence was amazed by its strength and simplicity. It is mounted on square steel tubing posts with nice thick walls and the 6 foot fence is using ¾ inch thick 6 inch wide pickets, so it is fairly heavy. When opening or closing it is as solid as a vault door and as smooth. The gate doesn’t sag at all and will not need to be replaced again. I appreciate the good instructions you included. Feel free to use the photos I sent and this note, or me, as a reference. I will refer people your company when the opportunity presents itself.”
GateBuilder is trying to get the word out!  Give us a try, you will never be sorry.  You use GateBuilder one time and you'll be hooked.
619 729 0420   619 445 1135  We're always here to talk about your project and to take your order.


GateBuilder 'X' Frame
Making Friends

Jim of Austin, Texas

Recently Installed a New Gate Using a 
GateBuilder 'X Frame  

Jim Writes:

“The modular gate is great. The most difficult part of the process was bringing it in after delivery. After assembling the gate, the company putting up my fence was amazed by its strength and simplicity. It is mounted on square steel tubing posts with nice thick walls and the 6 foot fence is using ¾ inch thick 6 inch wide pickets, so it is fairly heavy. 

When opening or closing it is as solid as a vault door and as smooth. The gate doesn’t sag at all and will not need to be replaced again. 

I appreciate the good instructions you included. Feel free to use the photos I sent and this note, or me, as a reference. I will refer people your company when the opportunity presents itself.”

Jim Is Very Happy with His New GateBuilder Gate
You Will be Too!

Please Give Us a Call 619 729 0420 or 619 445 1135
We Can Get Started on Your New Gate Today!

Victoria House Company
Manufacturer & Distributor of:
Southern Crossings Gate Systems
GateBuilder Gate Frames
Located in Alpine, Ca 91901


GateBuilder 'X' Frame
Making Friends

Jim of Austin, Texas

Recently Installed a New Gate Using a 
GateBuilder 'X Frame  

Jim Writes:

“The modular gate is great. The most difficult part of the process was bringing it in after delivery. After assembling the gate, the company putting up my fence was amazed by its strength and simplicity. It is mounted on square steel tubing posts with nice thick walls and the 6 foot fence is using ¾ inch thick 6 inch wide pickets, so it is fairly heavy. 

When opening or closing it is as solid as a vault door and as smooth. The gate doesn’t sag at all and will not need to be replaced again. 

I appreciate the good instructions you included. Feel free to use the photos I sent and this note, or me, as a reference. I will refer people your company when the opportunity presents itself.”

Jim Is Very Happy with His New GateBuilder Gate
You Will be Too!

Please Give Us a Call 619 729 0420 or 619 445 1135
We Can Get Started on Your New Gate Today!

Victoria House Company
Manufacturer & Distributor of:
Southern Crossings Gate Systems
GateBuilder Gate Frames
Located in Alpine, Ca 91901

Heaven, Is It for You?


I am a God fearing Christian that thinks I've finally put it all together!

If you've attended church all your life you've learned about:
  • Water Baptism
  • Jesus died for your sins
  • Inviting Jesus into your Heart
  • Eternal Life 
But, have you really put all of it together? Here is My Revelation:

Adam & Eve, who were created at God's pleasure as the apple of his eye were given the freedom to make choices in every aspect of their lives except one! That one being not to eat from the Tree of Good & Evil"
Unfortunately Adam & Eve being human with human hubris were not able to keep their hands off the forbidden fruit.  Thus the fall of Man.  Over the course of human history, man has fallen, given new life and fallen again and again to God's dismay.  God, loving man beyond our comprehension, recognizing that man can not control free will had to find another way to save his creation.    

The Plan of Salvation:

Any Covenant made by God requires the shedding of blood as a seal of authenticity.
Jesus, his Son, the Second Person of the Trinity would come to Earth to Save God's Creation. Jesus would die on the cross shedding his blood on behalf of any human that is willing to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
The acceptance of Jesus as your Lord and Savior must be a conscious forthright decision.  When this decision is made your are actually mentally rewired or re-imprinted into a new being. You think differently, you act differently, you are DIFFERENT than you were before you accepted Jesus. You actually are finally attuned to how God had expected man to act at the time he created mankind. This event is called Being Born Again.

Water Baptism is important in the equation because it is through Water Baptism that man dies of his old ways and is filled with the Holy Spirit - The Third Person of the Trinity.      

However, The Bible clearly states that eternal Salvation is based on two critical events:

  • The death of Jesus on the Cross where he shed blood for humans the first part of God's the Covenant of Salvation
  •  Man's free choice to become Born Again as the second part of the Covenant of Salvation.

A Covenant is a Contract of the highest order.  A Covenant with God will never be broken!  

God is assembling "His People" to live together with Him  for eternity.

Jesus said about the Narrow Gate across the road that leads to Eternal Life: “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. Matthew 13 - 14

This is one man's thoughts!

Tony Whyte
Southern Crossings Gate Systems / GateBuilder Gate Frames



Victoria House Company
is the Manufacturer and Distributer of GateBuilder Gate Frames

We are a family owned and operated business located in Alpine, California, a small community east of San Diego, Ca. We are the manufacturer and distributor of Southern Crossings Gate products. It has been our goal from the beginning, to offer attractive, high quality, top-of-the-line products at reasonable pricing.
We are building this business in a world where it is often difficult to discern if a business is legitimate and honest. People tend make their purchases from large companies like Home Depot or Lowes because they feel that they can trust them to stand behind the products they offer for sale only to find out that the products are often mediocre and only subject to the warrantees of the companies manufacturing the product.
We manufacture superior products are built with heavy duty materials and are absolutely guaranteed not to sag. In addition, all parts are either Coated with a Superior Coating Product or zinc plated for long lasting beauty.
Our gate products are also head and shoulders above other well known manufacturers that offer their products for sale on the internet.
We absolutely guarantee our products and stand behind our products 100%
If We Say It, "Consider it Done"
We hope you will order our gate products with the confidence that you will actually get what you paid for and that they will perform as promised.
We will provide you with references of satisfied customers upon request.
Tony & Diana Whyte
Owners - The Victoria House Company

GateBuilder Gate Frames
Lasting Performance 
Assembles & Installs Like Magic

Designed by a Former Gate Installer
Who Figured out How to Do It Better
Imagine a Gate that will never Sag

We Make the Frame, Supply the Hardware!
You do the Fun Part, the Art Work when you apply the Facing Materials! 
 You Will Find GateBuilder Gate Frames are Better Than You Ever Expected
View a Customers Side Show of a Beautiful Wooden Gate that He Built on GateBuilder Frames

The Wooden Fencing Panels Utilized on these Gates Were Purchased from Home Depot
Mounted on a GateBuilder 'X' Gate 16' Modular Frame

Contractors & Gate Builders,

I'm Tony Whyte Owner & General Manager of  the Victoria House Company.  We Manufacture Gates under the Trade Names Southern Crossings Gates & GateBuilder Gate Frames.

We have superior products that are not well known.  We have exhibited from time to time at Home Shows and the Southern California Landscape Contractors Expo.  Our products have been well received and it's time to broaden our product reach.

The modularity of our frames is its real strength.  The system is stronger than welded frames and much easier to install. Because our frames are modular they are also well suited to shipping at reasonable cost.

GateBuilder Frames are superior in strength because they are a true truss system as would be engineered for roof trusses or bridge construction.  They are built of heavy duty materials that parlay into an amazingly light Wooden Gate once the wood facing material is applied.  A GateBuilder frame is guaranteed not to sag and will outlast many generations of refacing.

If you are a Contractor, you have never installed a gate that will be easier or better performing.  

We would like to be your Gate Supplier of Choice  -  Please give me a call 
619 729 0420 or 619 445 8550

Tony Whyte

Steel Gate Frame for Wood & Vinyl Gates
"Beats Adjust-A-Gate Hands Down"
Steel for Strength! Trussing in both Compression & Tension  prevents sag!

Gates are hung in cantilever. This means that the gate is supported at only one end.  Because of this, especially for wider gates, the hinges must be strong, the frame must be strong and solid cross bracing within the frame is a must. 

Most gate frames utilize a cable that spans from the top hinge corner to the bottom corner of the unsupported end of the gate.  This approach attempts to control sag  through tension by holding up the bottom corner of the unsupported end of the gate.  This approach only addresses the force of tension that is being placed on the gate, but ignores
the considerable compression force that is in play when a gate is installed.  An approach, that only addresses tension, will work for a while until the cable stretches and/or the corners give way.  The only way that this approach will work over time, is to install a support foot or wheel for the gate at the unsupported end.

A gate built with a true truss frame utilizes strong hinges, a strong frame with solid corner connections, and solid cross bracing (that cannot stretch) that extends from corner to corner each way. This addresses the forces of both tension and compression that is placed on the gate once it is installed.  With this approach, a support foot or wheel will not be required.

Most of the popular steel gate frames offered for sale in the market are not utilizing true truss technology which is required to effectively address gate sag. 

Happiness is Building a Gate With a GateBuilder Gate Frame
Fully Adjustable to fit your gate opening! 

GateBuilder Gate Frame Pricing

GateBuilder Manufactures custom frames to fit any opening dimensions
Height of Frame up to 6′
Single Leaf Gate Configuration

Single Panel      3′  thru   4′  width              $ 249.00
Double Panel     5′  thru 10′  width             $ 479.00
Triple Panel     11′  thru 13′ width              $ 699.00
4 panel              13′ thru 16′ width            $ 899.00

We manufacture to your actual width requirement
Double Leaf Gate Configuration
Select any two of the above single leaf gate configurations
(Single Panel, Double Panel, Triple Panel) to configure symmetrical or     asymmetrical double leaf gates)
It’s Easy To Order!
Order Today RIGHT NOW!

$129.00 USDNow Includes the Cost of Shipping
GateBuilder Gate Frame Pricing
GateBuilder Manufactures custom frames to fit any opening dimensions
Height of Frame up to 6′

Single Leaf Gate Configuration

Single Panel      3′  thru   4′  width              $ 249.00
Double Panel     5′  thru 10′  width             $ 479.00
Triple Panel     11′  thru 13′ width              $ 699.00
4 panel              13′ thru 16′ width            $ 899.00

We manufacture to your actual width requirement
Double Leaf Gate Configuration

Select any two of the above single leaf gate configurations
(Single Panel, Double Panel, Triple Panel) to configure symmetrical or     asymmetrical double leaf gates)
It’s Easy To Order!
Order Today RIGHT NOW!

Includes the Cost of Shipping

619 445 1135    619 729-0420



Victoria House Company
is the Manufacturer and Distributer of GateBuilder Gate Frames

We are a family owned and operated business located in Alpine, California, a small community east of San Diego, Ca. We are the manufacturer and distributor of Southern Crossings Gate products. It has been our goal from the beginning, to offer attractive, high quality, top-of-the-line products at reasonable pricing.
We are building this business in a world where it is often difficult to discern if a business is legitimate and honest. People tend make their purchases from large companies like Home Depot or Lowes because they feel that they can trust them to stand behind the products they offer for sale only to find out that the products are often mediocre and only subject to the warrantees of the companies manufacturing the product.
We manufacture superior products are built with heavy duty materials and are absolutely guaranteed not to sag. In addition, all parts are either Coated with a Superior Coating Product or zinc plated for long lasting beauty.
Our gate products are also head and shoulders above other well known manufacturers that offer their products for sale on the internet.
We absolutely guarantee our products and stand behind our products 100%
If We Say It, "Consider it Done"
We hope you will order our gate products with the confidence that you will actually get what you paid for and that they will perform as promised.
We will provide you with references of satisfied customers upon request.
Tony & Diana Whyte
Owners - The Victoria House Company

GateBuilder Gate Frames
Lasting Performance 
Assembles & Installs Like Magic

Designed by a Former Gate Installer
Who Figured out How to Do It Better
Imagine a Gate that will never Sag

We Make the Frame, Supply the Hardware!
You do the Fun Part, the Art Work when you apply the Facing Materials! 
 You Will Find GateBuilder Gate Frames are Better Than You Ever Expected
View a Customers Side Show of a Beautiful Wooden Gate that He Built on GateBuilder Frames

The Wooden Fencing Panels Utilized on these Gates Were Purchased from Home Depot
Mounted on a GateBuilder 'X' Gate 16' Modular Frame

Contractors & Gate Builders,

I'm Tony Whyte Owner & General Manager of  the Victoria House Company.  We Manufacture Gates under the Trade Names Southern Crossings Gates & GateBuilder Gate Frames.

We have superior products that are not well known.  We have exhibited from time to time at Home Shows and the Southern California Landscape Contractors Expo.  Our products have been well received and it's time to broaden our product reach.

The modularity of our frames is its real strength.  The system is stronger than welded frames and much easier to install. Because our frames are modular they are also well suited to shipping at reasonable cost.

GateBuilder Frames are superior in strength because they are a true truss system as would be engineered for roof trusses or bridge construction.  They are built of heavy duty materials that parlay into an amazingly light Wooden Gate once the wood facing material is applied.  A GateBuilder frame is guaranteed not to sag and will outlast many generations of refacing.

If you are a Contractor, you have never installed a gate that will be easier or better performing.  

We would like to be your Gate Supplier of Choice  -  Please give me a call 
619 729 0420 or 619 445 8550

Tony Whyte

Steel Gate Frame for Wood & Vinyl Gates
"Beats Adjust-A-Gate Hands Down"
Steel for Strength! Trussing in both Compression & Tension  prevents sag!

Gates are hung in cantilever. This means that the gate is supported at only one end.  Because of this, especially for wider gates, the hinges must be strong, the frame must be strong and solid cross bracing within the frame is a must. 

Most gate frames utilize a cable that spans from the top hinge corner to the bottom corner of the unsupported end of the gate.  This approach attempts to control sag  through tension by holding up the bottom corner of the unsupported end of the gate.  This approach only addresses the force of tension that is being placed on the gate, but ignores
the considerable compression force that is in play when a gate is installed.  An approach, that only addresses tension, will work for a while until the cable stretches and/or the corners give way.  The only way that this approach will work over time, is to install a support foot or wheel for the gate at the unsupported end.

A gate built with a true truss frame utilizes strong hinges, a strong frame with solid corner connections, and solid cross bracing (that cannot stretch) that extends from corner to corner each way. This addresses the forces of both tension and compression that is placed on the gate once it is installed.  With this approach, a support foot or wheel will not be required.

Most of the popular steel gate frames offered for sale in the market are not utilizing true truss technology which is required to effectively address gate sag. 

Happiness is Building a Gate With a GateBuilder Gate Frame
Fully Adjustable to fit your gate opening! 

GateBuilder Gate Frame Pricing

GateBuilder Manufactures custom frames to fit any opening dimensions
Height of Frame up to 6′
Single Leaf Gate Configuration

Single Panel      3′  thru   4′  width              $ 249.00
Double Panel     5′  thru 10′  width             $ 479.00
Triple Panel     11′  thru 13′ width              $ 699.00
4 panel              13′ thru 16′ width            $ 899.00

We manufacture to your actual width requirement
Double Leaf Gate Configuration
Select any two of the above single leaf gate configurations
(Single Panel, Double Panel, Triple Panel) to configure symmetrical or     asymmetrical double leaf gates)
It’s Easy To Order!
Order Today RIGHT NOW!

$129.00 USDNow Includes the Cost of Shipping
GateBuilder Gate Frame Pricing
GateBuilder Manufactures custom frames to fit any opening dimensions
Height of Frame up to 6′

Single Leaf Gate Configuration

Single Panel      3′  thru   4′  width              $ 249.00
Double Panel     5′  thru 10′  width             $ 479.00
Triple Panel     11′  thru 13′ width              $ 699.00
4 panel              13′ thru 16′ width            $ 899.00

We manufacture to your actual width requirement
Double Leaf Gate Configuration

Select any two of the above single leaf gate configurations
(Single Panel, Double Panel, Triple Panel) to configure symmetrical or     asymmetrical double leaf gates)
It’s Easy To Order!
Order Today RIGHT NOW!

Includes the Cost of Shipping

619 445 1135    619 729-0420



Victoria House Company
is the Manufacturer and Distributer of GateBuilder Gate Frames

We are a family owned and operated business located in Alpine, California, a small community east of San Diego, Ca. We are the manufacturer and distributor of Southern Crossings Gate products. It has been our goal from the beginning, to offer attractive, high quality, top-of-the-line products at reasonable pricing.
We are building this business in a world where it is often difficult to discern if a business is legitimate and honest. People tend make their purchases from large companies like Home Depot or Lowes because they feel that they can trust them to stand behind the products they offer for sale only to find out that the products are often mediocre and only subject to the warrantees of the companies manufacturing the product.
We manufacture superior products are built with heavy duty materials and are absolutely guaranteed not to sag. In addition, all parts are either Coated with a Superior Coating Product or zinc plated for long lasting beauty.
Our gate products are also head and shoulders above other well known manufacturers that offer their products for sale on the internet.
We absolutely guarantee our products and stand behind our products 100%
If We Say It, "Consider it Done"
We hope you will order our gate products with the confidence that you will actually get what you paid for and that they will perform as promised.
We will provide you with references of satisfied customers upon request.
Tony & Diana Whyte
Owners - The Victoria House Company

GateBuilder Gate Frames
Lasting Performance 
Assembles & Installs Like Magic

Designed by a Former Gate Installer
Who Figured out How to Do It Better
Imagine a Gate that will never Sag

We Make the Frame, Supply the Hardware!
You do the Fun Part, the Art Work when you apply the Facing Materials! 
 You Will Find GateBuilder Gate Frames are Better Than You Ever Expected
View a Customers Side Show of a Beautiful Wooden Gate that He Built on GateBuilder Frames

The Wooden Fencing Panels Utilized on these Gates Were Purchased from Home Depot
Mounted on a GateBuilder 'X' Gate 16' Modular Frame

Contractors & Gate Builders,

I'm Tony Whyte Owner & General Manager of  the Victoria House Company.  We Manufacture Gates under the Trade Names Southern Crossings Gates & GateBuilder Gate Frames.

We have superior products that are not well known.  We have exhibited from time to time at Home Shows and the Southern California Landscape Contractors Expo.  Our products have been well received and it's time to broaden our product reach.

The modularity of our frames is its real strength.  The system is stronger than welded frames and much easier to install. Because our frames are modular they are also well suited to shipping at reasonable cost.

GateBuilder Frames are superior in strength because they are a true truss system as would be engineered for roof trusses or bridge construction.  They are built of heavy duty materials that parlay into an amazingly light Wooden Gate once the wood facing material is applied.  A GateBuilder frame is guaranteed not to sag and will outlast many generations of refacing.

If you are a Contractor, you have never installed a gate that will be easier or better performing.  

We would like to be your Gate Supplier of Choice  -  Please give me a call 
619 729 0420 or 619 445 8550

Tony Whyte

Steel Gate Frame for Wood & Vinyl Gates
"Beats Adjust-A-Gate Hands Down"
Steel for Strength! Trussing in both Compression & Tension  prevents sag!

Gates are hung in cantilever. This means that the gate is supported at only one end.  Because of this, especially for wider gates, the hinges must be strong, the frame must be strong and solid cross bracing within the frame is a must. 

Most gate frames utilize a cable that spans from the top hinge corner to the bottom corner of the unsupported end of the gate.  This approach attempts to control sag  through tension by holding up the bottom corner of the unsupported end of the gate.  This approach only addresses the force of tension that is being placed on the gate, but ignores
the considerable compression force that is in play when a gate is installed.  An approach, that only addresses tension, will work for a while until the cable stretches and/or the corners give way.  The only way that this approach will work over time, is to install a support foot or wheel for the gate at the unsupported end.

A gate built with a true truss frame utilizes strong hinges, a strong frame with solid corner connections, and solid cross bracing (that cannot stretch) that extends from corner to corner each way. This addresses the forces of both tension and compression that is placed on the gate once it is installed.  With this approach, a support foot or wheel will not be required.

Most of the popular steel gate frames offered for sale in the market are not utilizing true truss technology which is required to effectively address gate sag. 

Happiness is Building a Gate With a GateBuilder Gate Frame
Fully Adjustable to fit your gate opening! 

GateBuilder Gate Frame Pricing

GateBuilder Manufactures custom frames to fit any opening dimensions
Height of Frame up to 6′
Single Leaf Gate Configuration

Single Panel      3′  thru   4′  width              $ 249.00
Double Panel     5′  thru 10′  width             $ 479.00
Triple Panel     11′  thru 13′ width              $ 699.00
4 panel              13′ thru 16′ width            $ 899.00

We manufacture to your actual width requirement
Double Leaf Gate Configuration
Select any two of the above single leaf gate configurations
(Single Panel, Double Panel, Triple Panel) to configure symmetrical or     asymmetrical double leaf gates)
It’s Easy To Order!
Order Today RIGHT NOW!

$129.00 USDNow Includes the Cost of Shipping
GateBuilder Gate Frame Pricing
GateBuilder Manufactures custom frames to fit any opening dimensions
Height of Frame up to 6′

Single Leaf Gate Configuration

Single Panel      3′  thru   4′  width              $ 249.00
Double Panel     5′  thru 10′  width             $ 479.00
Triple Panel     11′  thru 13′ width              $ 699.00
4 panel              13′ thru 16′ width            $ 899.00

We manufacture to your actual width requirement
Double Leaf Gate Configuration

Select any two of the above single leaf gate configurations
(Single Panel, Double Panel, Triple Panel) to configure symmetrical or     asymmetrical double leaf gates)
It’s Easy To Order!
Order Today RIGHT NOW!

Includes the Cost of Shipping

619 445 1135    619 729-0420