The Victoria House Company Manufacturer and Distributor of GateBuilder Gate Kits
619 729 0420 619 445 1135

We are building this business in a world where it is often difficult to discern if a business is legitimate and honest. People tend make their purchases from large companies like Home Depot or Lowes because they feel that they can trust them to stand behind the products they offer for sale only to find out that the products are often mediocre and only subject to the warranties of the companies manufacturing the product.
We are not yet big enough to offer our superior products through stores like Home Depot or Lowes, however, we want you to know that our gate products are far superior to anything offered by these large companies and that we are a legitimate, honest company.
Our superior products are built with heavy duty materials and are absolutely guaranteed not to sag. In addition, all parts are either powder coated or zinc plated for long lasting beauty.
Our gate products are also head and shoulders above other well known manufacturers that offer their products for sale on the internet. We absolutely guarantee our products and stand behind our products 100%
"We say what we mean and we mean what we say!"
We hope you will order our gate products with the confidence that you will actually get what you paid for and that they will perform as promised.
We will provide you with references of satisfied customers upon request.Please help us grow!
Tony & Diana Whyte
Owners - The Victoria House Company
For our hearts shall rejoice in Him, because we have trusted in His holy name.
Psalm 33.21
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